Wednesday, 2 January 2013

A very cold Christmas

So i know it has been a while since I have posted, but all for a good reason. Over the past few days we had had Christmas and I have been attending a camp called Scout Scoop. So I have had a very full on week.
I figure that if I put it all into one big post it will be ENORMOUS so I will post about Christmas and my tourist adventure tonight and tomorrow I will post about Scout Scoop 2012/2013.

Copenhagen at Christmas time. 

So lets begin.
Christmas was very excitinhg. After the guests arrived we sat down to a delicious Christmas dinner of potatoes, duck, cabbage, and duck sauce. It was spectacular.
This was followed by the traditional meal of rasalamande (it is like a rice pudding). A bowel of the rice pudding filled with chopped almonds and one single whole almond was placed on the table next to a bowel of Italian cherry syrup, and we were instructed to eat until nothing was left and the whole almond was found.

Nina finally found it and we moved on to the Christmas tradition of dancing around the Christmas tree, singing traditional Danish songs.
We then opened presents and spent the rest of the night relaxing with our gifts, and I spent most of the night calling, and wishing a very Merry Christmas to friends and family back home.

As Christmas eve (the 24th) is the day we celebrate here in Denmark, Christmas day is a very quiet day for the rest of the country, so we decided to go sight seeing as all of the shops are closed.

Our first stop was the little mermaid. The statue was smaller than i had expected and as we approached the small mob of tourists Lisbet (my host mother) explained to me that she had had here head chopped off three times over the years.

After taking our tourist photos we moved on to the Royal palace. Sadly we were too late to see the changing of the guards but we did manage to get a few photos of them anyway. On the flagpole, the flag to say that the queen was home was up, which was very exciting.

This palace, Amalienborg Palace, became the winter home to the Danish royal family after the original royal palace, Christiansborg Palace, burnt down in February of 1794.

Our next stop was the Frederik's Church (Frederiks Kirke), more commonly known as The Marble Church due to its architecture. The church is located just down the road from Amalienborg Palace.

The church was absolutely stunning and stood out among the dreary, grey buildings. It was made completely form marble  (apart from the later renovations made from limestone).

 We then went to have a look at the stunning old buildings of the trade centre and parliament house.

Parliment house. 

The trade centre.

And that was it for the day, after freezing in the cold day we headed home for some nice warm cocoa, and spent the rest of the day relaxing. 
So tomorrow i will post about my amazing adventure at Scout Scoop 2012/2013.

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